You may think you can skirt Nature’s laws

No matter how far our government or popular culture strays, Nature’s laws do not change. The law of gravity doesn’t care how you feel.  My grandson in his highchair loves to test the law of gravity by throwing his food, spoons and bowls on the floor.  Gravity is consistent whether it is the toddler and his food, the Earth and the Sun, or all the galaxies in the Milky Way. Objects are attracted to each other according to their mass, as Sir Isaac Newton put into mathematical language which first Russian and then US engineers used to put objects into orbit around the Earth and land on the Moon.

Any government instituting laws contradicting the law of Gravity, or any natural law, will not be in power for long and not just because their satellites won’t work any longer. King Canute in 1035 ruled a kingdom encompassing England, Scotland Norway, Denmark and parts of Sweden.  To demonstrate his powers, he decreed that the tides not come in.  To enforce his decree, he had his throne placed in the sand just above low tide and made the decree. The tale is usually told to illustrate the arrogance of kings and all those in power.

The original version of the tale contends that Canute was making a point for this court and his people, that kings are not above natural law, they are not omnipotent and divine.  After his feet and throne got wet, he said: “Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws.”

After failing to hold back the tide, King Canute removed his crown, hung it from a crucifix and never wore it again in honour of Almighty God.

In a third telling of the tale, King Canute’s piety led to the weakening of his kingdom and the defeat of his heirs when the Normans invaded England in 1066.

Whichever version you prefer, the lesson is that Nature ultimately wins, not the wishes of any tyrant, benevolent monarch, Congress or Marx.

Feelings and desires do not define truth, Nature’s reality defines truth.  When a government’s laws contradict Nature, the government will not last.

The laws of Man must be consistent with the laws of Nature or they will not last. Apply this, if you like, to the insistence that biological men who call themselves women can compete against women in boxing and ju-jitsu and all sports or who insist that armies must enlist women to go into combat with men, or that gender affirmation surgeries can actually change your gender or that you or your government can regularly spend more than its income. Any governing authority will fail which pushes laws inconsistent with Nature.